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An Intro to

The Mysteries of Ravenrock

Remy LeRoux's favorite quote is Shakespeare's "Though she be but little, she is fierce." She might have a small stature but that doesn't mean she's afraid to speak her mind or take charge.


Daisy Domingo is hostile and unfriendly, but once she warms up to you, she's a bit less hostile and unfriendly. However, she's a bit brilliant when it comes to solving whatever problems arise.

A Sneak Peek at

The Mysteries of Ravenrock

“We’re almost there,” Dad says, trying to sound excited as if there is someplace I actually want to be.


I ignore him and watch as seafood restaurants and beachy tourist shops slide by the car window, my arms crossed tight. I haven’t spoken a single word to my dad for the entire three and half hour car ride, and I’m not about to start now just because he is trying to put a positive spin on it. This whole thing isn’t fair and he knows it.

The Mysteries of The Lake Michigan Triangle

There is a section of Lake Michigan where mysterious things happen. Boats vanish without a trace. Planes go down. Lights streak across the sky. It’s called the Lake Michigan Triangle and stretches from Manitowoc, Wisconsin to Ludington, Michigan, then down to Benton Harbor, Michigan and back up to Manitowoc.

The Pirates of the

Great Lakes

Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook, Blackbeard . . . these are the images you probably see when someone says the word pirate. And you probably picture them some place with clear waters, palm trees, and lots of sand. But from the 1700's through the turn of the twentieth century, pirates terrorized the Great Lakes too. 

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